
If we haven’t had the pleasure of being introduced, please complete my screening form below so we can plan our rendezvous. The more thorough you are in filling this out, the sooner we will be able to get acquainted. New friends please review my “Do’s and Dont’s” before submitting a booking request. 

Glowing references are my favorite, but if you haven’t spent time with an upscale independent provider in the last year, please visit the info section for an alternate screening method. 

When filling out the screening, please note that I do give priority to longer engagements. If you are looking to have the best experience possible with me, I strongly suggest booking a dinner date, full day encounter, or my absolute favorite – an extended overnight. Only then will you be able to unlock me at my best and most natural state of being.


~ Include your REAL first and last name. This should be obvious, but I’ve found myself having to reiterate this on more than one occasion. If you prefer I call you by your nickname, you can note that in the “Special Request” section. 

~ Provide your real age and city of residence. This helps me substantially when planning my tour dates. 

~ Include your real phone number. This is for verification purposes only. If you prefer to communicate via email only, I will ask for a 50% deposit OR two valid provider references. 

~ Include the FULL address of your outcall location ( Street, City, State, Zip ) along with the name of your hotel/condo. If I will be visiting a private residence, please include any gate codes or parking instructions in the “special request” section. 

~ Include two valid provider references. Please have three of the following: Providers name, number, email, twitter, or website. 

~ Let your provider references know I will be contacting them in advance. 

~ Text or email me anytime once your screening is filled out and your deposit is left. (Within reason)

~ Feel free to request wardrobe, makeup, etc. I love dressing up! 

~ Expect to leave a 30% deposit if you’re a new friend. 


~ Put your first name and your last initial. I expect your FULL BIRTH NAME, the one that is printed on your drivers license. No abbreviations, no nicknames. “John D” is not sufficient. 

~ Put a fake name! We both know your parents did not name you “Dick Johnson” and if they did, you get a free session. If your name sounds fake but the rest of your screening checks out, I will ask you to send a copy of your drivers license to verify.

~ Lie about your age or where you are from. I do not discriminate against age or race, and you are only asked to provide your city of residence for touring purposes.

~ Provide a fake phone number. A simple google search will tell me if you are using a texting app. If your preferred method of contact is email, I will only text you once to confirm that your number is valid.

~ Include an incomplete address. If you cannot provide a proper address your screening form will be deleted and you can try again when you graduate elementary school. 

~ List your work email/website or your family and friends as a reference. USE COMMON SENSE, these are NOT valid references. 

~ List providers that you have never met or who do not remember you as references. I will contact them, and If they have no idea who you are, you will be blacklisted immediately.  

~ Do not continue to contact me until you have completed my screening form.

~ ABSOLUTELY DO NOT request any sexual acts or you will be blacklisted immediately, forever. 

~ DO NOT fill out my screening if you have no intentions of leaving a deposit. NO DEPOSIT=NO APPOINTMENT. My repeat clients are an exception to this. 


I understand your need for discretion and assure you that details of our time together will not be disclosed. All inquires go DIRECTLY to me, and your screening form will be deleted after 7 days. The screening form I request is solely for my safety and will never be used in a careless manner.